DIN Standard 2 Volt Cells (Gel)

website builders All our traction battery cells come in 3 formats, Gel Standard being one of them. These cells are all the same width with multiple height, length & weight specifications to enable a perfect fit for a range of standard & renewable/green applications.

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Model Plates Capacity in Ah Dimensions (mm) Weight
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C5 C10 C100 Length Width Height Total Height
2 EPzV 110 2 110 121 168 47 198 342 352 8.9 View details
3 EPzV 165 3 165 182 252 65 198 342 352 12.7 View details
4 EPzV 220 4 220 242 337 83 198 342 352 16.3 View details
5 EPzV 275 5 275 303 421 101 198 342 352 20 View details
6 EPzV 330 6 330 363 505 119 198 342 352 23.8 View details
7 EPzV 385 7 385 424 589 137 198 342 352 27.5 View details
8 EPzV 440 8 440 484 673 155 198 342 352 31.5 View details
2 EPzV 140 2 140 154 214 47 198 402 412 11 View details
3 EPzV 210 3 210 231 321 65 198 402 412 15.7 View details
4 EPzV 280 4 280 308 428 83 198 402 412 20.2 View details
5 EPzV 350 5 350 385 536 101 198 402 412 24.7 View details
6 EPzV 420 6 420 462 643 119 198 402 412 29.3 View details
7 EPzV 490 7 490 539 750 137 198 402 412 34 View details
8 EPzV 560 8 560 616 857 155 198 402 412 38.9 View details
2 EPzV 160 2 160 176 245 47 198 462 472 13 View details
3 EPzV 240 3 240 264 367 65 198 462 472 18.6 View details
4 EPzV 320 4 320 352 490 83 198 462 472 24 View details
5 EPzV 400 5 400 440 612 101 198 462 472 29.3 View details
6 EPzV 480 6 480 528 734 119 198 462 472 35.6 View details
7 EPzV 560 7 560 616 857 137 198 462 472 40 View details
8 EPzV 640 8 640 704 979 155 198 462 472 46.2 View details
2 EPzV 190 2 190 209 291 47 198 525 535 13.5 View details
3 EPzV 285 3 285 314 436 65 198 525 535 19.5 View details
4 EPzV 380 4 380 418 581 83 198 525 535 25.5 View details
5 EPzV 475 5 475 523 727 101 198 525 535 31.5 View details
6 EPzV 570 6 570 627 872 119 198 525 535 37.5 View details
7 EPzV 665 7 665 732 1017 137 198 525 535 43.5 View details
8 EPzV 760 8 760 155 198 525 535 49.9 View details
2 EPzV 200 2 200 220 306 47 198 553 563 15.2 View details
3 EPzV 300 3 300 330 459 65 198 553 563 22.1 View details
4 EPzV 400 4 400 440 612 83 198 553 563 28.4 View details
5 EPzV 500 5 500 550 765 101 198 553 563 34.8 View details
6 EPzV 600 6 600 660 918 119 198 553 563 41.1 View details
7 EPzV 700 7 720 770 1071 137 198 553 563 47.8 View details
8 EPzV 800 8 800 880 1224 155 198 553 563 54 View details
2 EPzV 220 2 220 47 198 592 602 16.8 View details
3 EPzV 330 3 330 65 198 592 602 23.8 View details
4 EPzV 440 4 440 83 198 592 602 31.8 View details
5 EPzV 550 5 550 101 198 592 602 38.8 View details
6 EPzV 660 6 660 119 198 592 602 45.9 View details
7 EPzV 770 7 770 137 198 592 602 53 View details
8 EPzV 880 8 880 155 198 592 602 60.8 View details
2 EPzV 240 2 240 264 367 47 198 672 682 17 View details
3 EPzV 360 3 360 396 551 65 198 672 682 24.6 View details
4 EPzV 480 4 480 528 734 83 198 672 682 32.7 View details
5 EPzV 600 5 600 660 918 101 198 672 682 40.9 View details
6 EPzV 720 6 720 792 1102 119 198 672 682 47.2 View details
7 EPzV 840 7 840 924 1285 137 198 672 682 54.5 View details
8 EPzV 960 8 960 1056 1469 155 198 672 682 61.9 View details
2 EPzV 260 2 260 47 198 710 720 18.7 View details
3 EPzV 390 3 390 65 198 710 720 26.4 View details
4 EPzV 520 4 520 83 198 710 720 34.3 View details
5 EPzV 650 5 650 101 198 710 720 42 View details
6 EPzV 780 6 780 119 198 710 720 49.7 View details
7 EPzV 910 7 910 137 198 710 720 57.5 View details
8 EPzV 1040 8 1040 155 198 710 720 65.7 View details

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